SERI Hosts Visiting Scholar Alan Reid

We are excited to be hosting Dr. Alan Reid, JRM & University of Saskatchewan Visiting Scholar, from Monash University in December.

Dr. Reid will be delivering two presentations while he is visiting. We hope to see you there! 

Better Teaching, Better Learning: The Need for Critical Conversations and Agreeing Priorities
JRM & U of S Visiting Scholar Lecture
Friday, December 8 at 12:30 pm
Faculty Lounge (Room 3050)
College of Education

In this presentation, which will be of interest to faculty, teaching staff, and those involved with training teaching staff, Dr. Reid will discuss Monash University’s “Better Teaching, Better Learning” project, an institution-wide agenda to rethink its approach to teaching and learning. The presentation will explore the program’s applicability to the initiatives and priorities of the University of Saskatchewan.